133 research outputs found

    SkILL - a Stochastic Inductive Logic Learner

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    Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming (PILP) is a rel- atively unexplored area of Statistical Relational Learning which extends classic Inductive Logic Programming (ILP). This work introduces SkILL, a Stochastic Inductive Logic Learner, which takes probabilistic annotated data and produces First Order Logic theories. Data in several domains such as medicine and bioinformatics have an inherent degree of uncer- tainty, that can be used to produce models closer to reality. SkILL can not only use this type of probabilistic data to extract non-trivial knowl- edge from databases, but it also addresses efficiency issues by introducing a novel, efficient and effective search strategy to guide the search in PILP environments. The capabilities of SkILL are demonstrated in three dif- ferent datasets: (i) a synthetic toy example used to validate the system, (ii) a probabilistic adaptation of a well-known biological metabolism ap- plication, and (iii) a real world medical dataset in the breast cancer domain. Results show that SkILL can perform as well as a deterministic ILP learner, while also being able to incorporate probabilistic knowledge that would otherwise not be considered

    Clinical Decision Support Systems for Pressure Ulcer Management: Systematic Review

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    Background: The clinical decision-making process in pressure ulcer management is complex, and its quality depends on both the nurse's experience and the availability of scientific knowledge. This process should follow evidence-based practices incorporating health information technologies to assist health care professionals, such as the use of clinical decision support systems. These systems, in addition to increasing the quality of care provided, can reduce errors and costs in health care. However, the widespread use of clinical decision support systems still has limited evidence, indicating the need to identify and evaluate its effects on nursing clinical practice. Objective: The goal of the review was to identify the effects of nurses using clinical decision support systems on clinical decision making for pressure ulcer management. Methods: The systematic review was conducted in accordance with PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) recommendations. The search was conducted in April 2019 on 5 electronic databases: MEDLINE, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Cochrane, and CINAHL, without publication date or study design restrictions. Articles that addressed the use of computerized clinical decision support systems in pressure ulcer care applied in clinical practice were included. The reference lists of eligible articles were searched manually. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool was used to assess the methodological quality of the studies. Results: The search strategy resulted in 998 articles, 16 of which were included. The year of publication ranged from 1995 to 2017, with 45% of studies conducted in the United States. Most addressed the use of clinical decision support systems by nurses in pressure ulcers prevention in inpatient units. All studies described knowledge-based systems that assessed the effects on clinical decision making, clinical effects secondary to clinical decision support system use, or factors that influenced the use or intention to use clinical decision support systems by health professionals and the success of their implementation in nursing practice. Conclusions: The evidence in the available literature about the effects of clinical decision support systems (used by nurses) on decision making for pressure ulcer prevention and treatment is still insufficient. No significant effects were found on nurses' knowledge following the integration of clinical decision support systems into the workflow, with assessments made for a brief period of up to 6 months. Clinical effects, such as outcomes in the incidence and prevalence of pressure ulcers, remain limited in the studies, and most found clinically but nonstatistically significant results in decreasing pressure ulcers. It is necessary to carry out studies that prioritize better adoption and interaction of nurses with clinical decision support systems, as well as studies with a representative sample of health care professionals, randomized study designs, and application of assessment instruments appropriate to the professional and institutional profile. In addition, long-term follow-up is necessary to assess the effects of clinical decision support systems that can demonstrate a more real, measurable, and significant effect on clinical decision making.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparação de características histológicas e fenotípicas de linfoma entre gatos com e sem infeção retroviral (FIV e/ou FeLV)

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaO linfoma é a neoplasia mais comum nos gatos, e representa cerca de 1/3 dos tumores na espécie. O vírus da Leucemia Felina (FeLV) e o vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina (FIV) têm uma relação direta e indireta, na génese do linfoma felino. O diagnóstico definitivo de linfoma é efetuado através de análises histopatológicas e imunohistoquímicas, sendo o linfoma classificado segundo a sua localização anatómica (gastrointestinal, mediastínico, nodal e extranodal), o grau (baixo, intermédio e alto) e o fenótipo (B e T). O principal objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a associação entre a infeção por FeLV e FIV e as características dos linfomas, tais como a localização anatómica, a classificação histológica, fenotípica, e ainda segundo a grelha de classificação da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS). A raça, idade ao diagnóstico e o sexo dos gatos foram também avaliados. A amostra investigada é composta por 34 gatos com linfoma, com diagnóstico histológico e fenotípico realizado no período 2013-2019. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos: gatos sem infeção retroviral (n=26); gatos com infeção retroviral (n=8). O linfoma mais frequente foi o gastrointestinal (19/26; 73,1%), de fenótipo T, baixo grau, sem associação aos retrovírus, que se classifica em Linfoma Intestinal de Células T, segundo o esquema da OMS. Os gatos sem infeção retroviral desenvolveram mais linfoma no trato gastrointestinal (p=0,03). Detetou-se uma associação estatística entre a infeção retroviral e o desenvolvimento do Linfoma Difuso de Grandes Células B (p=0,03) e entre o fenótipo T e o baixo grau do linfoma (p=0,01).ABSTRACT - Lymphoma is the most common neoplasia reported in cats and represents approximately 1/3 of all tumors in this specie. Feline Leukemia virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency virus (FIV) play a direct and indirect role in tumorigenesis. The definitive diagnosis is based on histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis. Then, lymphoma is classified according to anatomical site (gastrointestinal, mediastinal, nodal and extranodal), grade (low, intermediate and high) and phenotype (B and T). The main goal of this study is to evaluate the association between FeLV and FIV infection and the characteristics of the lymphoma, such as anatomical site, histologic and phenotypic classifications, as well as according to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification. Cats race, age at diagnosis and sex were also evaluated. The sample of this study is composed of 34 cats with histological and phenotypical diagnosis of lymphoma, between 2013 and 2019. The sample was divided in two groups: cats without retroviral infection (n=26); cats with retroviral infection (n=8). The most frequent lymphoma in this study was gastrointestinal lymphoma (19/26; 73,1%), with T phenotype, low grade, without retroviral association, classified as Intestinal T Cell Lymphoma, according to WHO. Cats without retroviral infection developed more frequently gastrointestinal lymphoma (p=0,03). A statistical association between retroviral infection and the development of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (p=0,03) and also between T phenotype and low-grade lymphoma (p=0,01) were detected.N/

    O Desenvolvimento positivo e estratégias de responsabilidade na Educação Pré-Escolar

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    Relatório Final de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar apresentado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloO presente relatório foi elaborado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II (PES II) do Mestrado de Educação Pré-Escolar na Escola Superior de Educação de Viana do Castelo. Este relatório apresenta-se dividido em três partes: capítulo I com as caracterizações do agrupamento, Jardim de Infância e grupo de crianças; capítulo II direcionado para o estudo onde é apresentada uma contextualização e apresentação dos objetivos de estudo, fundamentação teórica, metodologia e análise e discussão dos resultados. Para o presente estudo foram delineados os seguintes objetivos específicos: i) analisar os comportamentos de responsabilidade das crianças; ii) desenvolver estratégias para ultrapassar dificuldades e promover a responsabilidade; iii) compreender a utilidade dos jogos na promoção da responsabilidade.Os participantes do estudo foram 24 crianças (13 do sexo masculino e 11 do sexo feminino) com cinco anos de idade, a Educadora Cooperante que tinha 32 anos de experiência e a Educadora Estagiária, tendo esta desenvolvido um programa de intervenção implementando o modelo de Desenvolvimento de Responsabilidade Pessoal e Social de Donald Hellison. Deste modo, foram implementadas quatro tarefas ao longo da intervenção com o intuito de desenvolver gradualmente os níveis do DRPS de Donald Hellison. Os níveis são: a) nível I, respeito pelos sentimentos e direitos dos outros; b) nível II, participação e esforço; c) nível III, autonomia; d) nível IV, liderança e ajuda nos outros e e) nível V, transferência. Utilizou-se uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa, de carácter exploratório, pelo que se recorreu a diversos instrumentos de recolha de dados: i) observação participante ii) diário reflexivo; iii) entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados foram analisados através de uma Análise de Conteúdo para a qual foram criados três temas e cinco categorias: antes da intervenção – comportamentos de responsabilidade e necessidade de um modelo; durante a intervenção – tarefas; pós-intervenção – necessidade de tempo; continuidade das estratégias. Antes da intervenção, o grupo apresentava dificuldade em respeitar as ideias e sentimentos dos outros, pelo que foi possível enquadrar este grupo de crianças no nível I de responsabilidade (i.e, respeito). Após a implementação das estratégias de intervenção (i.e., banco da paz, quadro dos pontos, atribuição de medalhas semanais, lugar diferenciado a cada dia na mesa de atividade), os resultados obtidos apontam para uma melhoria dos comportamentos relacionados com a responsabilidade, sugerindo os benefícios de se desenvolver programas de intervenção com este tipo de objetivos e de se adotarem estratégias de responsabilidade. No entanto, dado que os resultados obtidos apontam para a persistência de alguns comportamentos menos adequados (i.e., dificuldade em respeitar colegas, validar ideias dos outros, dividir material/brinquedos) , este estudo vem corroborar a ideia, já referida por outros investigadores, da necessidade de aumentar o período de tempo deste tipo de programas de intervenção, de modo a potenciar os benefícios da adoção de estratégias de responsabilidade.This report was prepared in the context of practium as a requirement for attaining a Master's Degree in Pre-School Education in the Higher School of Education at Viana do Castelo, Portugal. This report is divided in three parts: chapter I includes a description of the Pre-School setting and group of children; chapter II includes the study´s objectives, a literature review, data analysis, discussion and conclusioons. In this sense, the following specific objectives drove this study: i) analyze children's personal and social responsibility (PSR) behaviors; Ii) develop strategies to overcome difficulties and promote responsibility; Iii) understand how games can help the development of responsibility. The participants in this study were 24 children (13 males and 11 females) with five years of age, the supervisor who was an educator with 32 years of teaching experience, and the student-educator, who developed an intervention program based on Donald Hellison’s Model of Taking PSR model. Thereby, four activities were implemented throughout the intervention in order to gradually develop Donald Hellison's PSR model, such as: a) level I, respect for the feelings and rights of others; b) level II, prticipation and efort; c) level III, autonomy; d) level IV, leadership and helping others and e) level V, transference. A qualitative approach was used as the study had an exploratory nature. Hence, several data collection instruments were used: i) participant observation ii) reflexive journals ; Iii) semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed through a content analysis that generated three themes and five categories: pre-intervention,- responsibility behaviors and the need for a model; throughout the intervention, - activities; post-intervention, - need for time and continous use of strategies. Before the intervention, the group showed some difficulties in respecting the ideas and feelings of others. Based on the children´s observed behaviors, it was possible to conclude there was a need to develop Hellison´s level I of responsibility (i.e., respect). After implementing the intervention strategies (i.e., peace bench, point board, attribution of weekly medals, different seats in the activity table every day) the findings point to an improvement in responsibility behaviours, suggesting the benefits of developing intervention programs with this type of objectives and adopting PSR strategies. However, given that the results point to the persistence of some challenging behaviours (i.e., difficulty in respecting colleagues, validating other people’s ideas, sharing material/toys), this study supports the idea, already mentioned by other researchers, that there is the need to increase the duration of this type of programs in order to maximize the benefits and advantages of adopting PSR strategies to promote these type of outcomes

    Threads and Or-Parallelism Unified

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    One of the main advantages of Logic Programming (LP) is that it provides an excellent framework for the parallel execution of programs. In this work we investigate novel techniques to efficiently exploit parallelism from real-world applications in low cost multi-core architectures. To achieve these goals, we revive and redesign the YapOr system to exploit or-parallelism based on a multi-threaded implementation. Our new approach takes full advantage of the state-of-the-art fast and optimized YAP Prolog engine and shares the underlying execution environment, scheduler and most of the data structures used to support YapOr's model. Initial experiments with our new approach consistently achieve almost linear speedups for most of the applications, proving itself as a good alternative for exploiting implicit parallelism in the currently available low cost multi-core architectures.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figures, International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2010

    Positive corneoscleral rim culture in penetrating keratoplasty at the Porto Alegre Clinical Hospital

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    PURPOSE: To determine the incidence of positive corneoscleral rim cultures preserved in Optisol GS medium, to identify pathogens involved and possible recipient eye infection. METHODS: A hundred sixty-three corneoscleral rim cultures penetrating keratoplasties performed from January 2001 to January 2003 in the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre were reviewed. Enucleations and corneal storage were done as aseptic as possible and gentamicin 0.3% was instilled. Corneoscleral rim was divided into two segments, half was inoculated into Sabouraud broth and the other half into thioglycolate broth; inoculation into blood agar, chocolate agar and MacConkey agar was done later if necessary for pathogen identification. The receiver's eye data were reviewed. RESULTS: There were eleven positive cultures (6.7%) out of 163 evaluated corneoscleral rim cultures. Of these, four were Staphylococcus epidermidis, one was Staphylococcus aureus, one was Serratia sp., one was Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the other four were different subtypes of Candida (two Candida sp., one Candida albicans and one Candida parapapilosis). All pathogens were resistant to gentamicin. None of the eleven cases of positive corneoscleral rim cultures resulted in ocular infection at the receiver's eyes (six months follow-up). CONCLUSIONS: We found low rates of positive corneoscleral rim cultures after penetrating keratoplasty at the Porto Alegre Clinical Hospital. The most frequent involved pathogens were Staphylococcus sp and Candida sp. Although we did not identify any postoperative infection at the receiver's eyes, we recommend corneoscleral rim culture for guidance of postoperative infection, a rare but possible devastating ocular event.OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a incidência de positividade de culturas de halos doadores córneo-esclerais preservados em Optisol GS, identificar os patógenos envolvidos, a sensibilidade dos mesmos à gentamicina e a ocorrência de infecções em olhos receptores. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas retrospectivamente 163 culturas de halos córneo-esclerais cujos botões corneanos foram utilizados em transplantes de córnea no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre entre janeiro de 2001 e janeiro de 2003. Os halos foram divididos em dois segmentos, metade inoculada em meio Sabouroud e a outra metade em tioglicolato, com posterior semeadura em ágar-sangue, ágar-chocoloate e meio de MacConkey, conforme necessidade para identificação dos patógenos. Os prontuários dos pacientes receptores foram revisados. RESULTADOS: Dos 163 halos analisados, 11 apresentaram culturas positivas, correspondendo a 6,7% do total. Destes, quatro foram por Staphylococcus epidermidis, um por Staphylococcus aureus, um por Serratia sp, um por Pseudomonas aeruginosa e os outros quatro por diferentes subtipos de Candida (dois por Candida sp, um por Candida albicans e um por Candida parapapilosis). No antibiograma, todas as bactérias apresentaram-se resistentes à gentamicina. Nenhum olho que recebeu córnea com cultura positiva apresentou infecção após a cirurgia. CONCLUSÕES: Baixos índices de positividade de cultura de halos utilizados em transplantes de córnea no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre foram encontrados. Os patógenos mais freqüentemente identificados não apresentam boa cobertura pelos antimicrobianos presentes nos meios de preservação. A cultura de halos corneanos é recomendada para auxílio no tratamento de possível infecção ocular pós-cirúrgica.Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Hospital de Clínicas de Porto AlegreUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade de Passo FundoUNIFESPHospital de Clínicas de Porto AlegreUFRGS Faculdade de MedicinaUFRGS Hospital de Clínicas de Porto AlegreUFRGSUNIFESPSciEL


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    This study problematizes a reality of degradation of waterways that are bordered by or surround urban spaces. Lagoa da Francesa (LF) in Parintins / AM is one of those spaces, once preserved and now polluted. On its banks, hundreds of people live and intensely make use of this place. This study investigated the environmental awareness by children living in the vicinity of LF. Qualitative research was developed by drawings and the content presented by children. The participants were 120 girls and boys, between 7 and 13 years old. The categories of perceptions on LF that emerged werea) Pollution; b) Flood; c) Trade; d) Transit; e) Living; f) Recreation. Such perceptions reflect feelings of attachment or detachment, possibilities or vulnerabilities that children experience from the world they receive from adults.Resumen Este estudio analiza una realidad de la degradación de los cursos de agua urbanos. En este estudio, el Lagoa da Francesa (LF) en Parintins / AM es un punto culminante geográfica y social, tanto por su pasado conservado como el estado contaminado que se presenta. Los niños viven este lugar o en el entretenimiento o en las dificultades cotidianas. Este estudio cualitativo investigó la conciencia ambiental de los niños acerca de la utilización de la representación gráfica (dibujo) y los argumentos que iluminan hecho sobre él. Los participantes fueron 120 niños y niñas entre 7 y 13 años de edad. Los resultados mostraron cinco categorías de percepción ambiental de LF: a) Contaminación; b) Inundaciones; c) Comercio; d) Tránsito; e) Vivienda; y f) Recreación. Tales percepciones reflejan los sentimientos de apego o desapego, sea de posibilidades o vulnerabilidades que experimentan los niños del mundo que reciben de los adultos


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar a dinâmica de desenvolvimento do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar nas escolas estaduais do município de Santiago-RS, especificamente no concernente aos aspectos qualitativos da alimentação dos alunos. Os procedimentos metodológicos compreendem além da revisão da literatura especializada  e documental, um estudo empírico de análise realizado a partir de uma investigação efetuada à informantes institucionais qualificados e incursões diretas em todas as escolas estaduais do município de Santiago –RS. Conclui-se que em 2014, houve uma diferença média de 51,37% em relação a alocação dos recursos financeiros do PNAE e à aplicação em alimentos da agricultura familiar, caracterizando problemas na oferta. Verificou-se discrepância na proporção quantitativa de alimentos por aluno nas diferentes escolas, bem como no comércio descentralizado em relação a entidade articuladora